Do not attempt to use these techniques without adequate back-up, this
site takes no responsibility for any actions taken by anyone who
attempts to use the techniques, ideas or suggestions shown here.
If you're unsure about it - then don't do it!
How-to-use: it's very simple - the victim lies on the floor on her
back. She just crawls into the sheath and finally the elastic collar will
engulf her into pure heaven of the sheath.
A rope-lock is needed to hold the sheath steady when the victim is
crawling into it. The lock has an auto-release mechanism. When having
entered the sheath the victim can loosen off the holding rope.
1. The victim crawls downwards into the sheath - the
holding rope keeps the sheath in its place, the elastic collar slides
little by little higher until it can slide around the neck of the
2. The victim has succeeded to enter into the sheath
3. The victim moves little by little to the right to
trigger the rope lock.
4. The mechanism of the rope lock opens and the
holding rope is released.
5. The victim crawls further to draw the rope away
NOTE: Two rope locks are needed if the D-sheath is
used; one is for entering the sheath and the other is for closing the back
zipper. The first one should be placed on the left side (as in the
pictures above) and the other on the right side. The ropes of the latter
should be 20-25 cm longer to enables "two phase" closing mechanism.